Robb Report is the unofficial magazine of the luxury lifestyle. Maybe it’s even official by now. For those sitting on larger assets than I will ever have, Robb Report shows them their just rewards for having Made It, big-time. Once a year, they offer their considered selection of…well, stuff to die for. The Best of the Best, as they say. Homes, private jets, yachts, resorts, exotic autos, and on and on, more goodies than you could hope for in a lifetime of spectacular Christmases as Bill Gates’ son. They should have a box to check “Yes! Send it all to me! Send the bill to someone else.” I am flattered beyond measure for my hats to be in such fast company.
William Kissel, the Fashion Editor, is a wonderful man and a delight to work with. I sent him an unblocked hat woven by Simón Espinal, his best, as close to flawless as I’ve ever seen. So finely woven it is beyond linen, it is more like silk. I knew it was useless to try to describe it. The only way to “get it” with these super hats is to actually see and hold one. It is not possible to imagine one without experiencing one. Fine straw cloth, weighing less than a deep breath. Quite literally, there is nothing else like them. (Yes, of course, before I sent it to him I made him promise to send it back. He returned it in perfect condition.) By recognizing and calling attention to the miracles that are the Master Weaver hats, Mr. Kissel has significantly improved the odds that the art can survive at the highest levels. Thank you, William. You are making a difference.
Robb Report, June 2005.
Text and photos © 1988-2022, B. Brent Black. All rights reserved.
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