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Escuela Alma de Paja Toquilla
Soul of Straw School

Weaving school pages: 2024 – 2022 | 2021 – 2018 | 2017 – 2009

Since we opened in January 2011, our two teachers have taught more than 75 Pile kids, 12 to 15 years old, how to weave by hand the impossibly fine straw hats for which their village is legendary – the most finely woven straw hats in human history.

Two of our students, Katiusca Espinal and Christian López, won awards for Best Young Weaver of the Year while they were students.

A primary goal of the school is to keep the art alive by teaching and encouraging weavers who will continue to be weavers and will continue to weave fine Montecristi hats.

However, I also realize that there are much easier ways to earn a much better living, so most of our students will not make hat weaving their primary occupation. I hope some of them will continue to weave part time to add to their family income.

Even if none if our “graduates” make hat weaving their full time occupation, the school still has great value to the students and to the community.

Our students learn how to cut the plants and make the paja toquilla to weave the hats that have been the central theme of Pile for more generations than anyone knows.

Our students feel with their own bent backs what it is to be a weaver of paja toquilla. They feel what so many generations of Pile weavers before them have felt, bent in half, weaving fine hats of paja toquilla.

Our students feel with their own struggling fingers what it is to lead the slender strands of paja toquilla through the intricate steps of the centuries-old dance the weavers of their village have taught it to perform so breathtakingly well.

Even if most of our students will not have full-time careers as weavers, even if they do not continue to weave part time ––– at least for the time they are our students, they have their hands on paja toquilla –– the paja toquilla that is the history, the heritage, the soul of their village.


(Click any photo to see full image larger.)

Weaving what will become the top of the hat (plantilla) 2:10

Different student. Her plantilla is almost complete. 58 sec

3 girls weaving side by side, including closeups. 57 sec

Good closeup of weaving. You can see how she does it. 35 sec

Incredible. Could you do that? How does she pick out the individual straws with such short thumbnails? 1:20

No matter how many times I watch the weavers, I still can’t believe it is possible. 49 sec


(Click any photo to see full image larger.)

Tallos of straw (right). More work will be done before the straw is ready for weaving.

Students learning to choose and cut the cogollos used to make the straw.

2023 School Christmas Party
Our annual event with food, music, silliness.

2024 – 2022 | 2021 – 2018 | 2017 – 2009